Doa kan saudara-saudara kita yang tertimpa musibah saat ini, dan ulurkan tanganmu untuk meringankan beban mereka.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


Sampson's Stationary
30 Silverstone Ave 30 Silverstone Ave
Kamloops, BC Kamloops, BC
V2A 8B1 V2A 8B1
Tel :250-429-0002 Tel:250-429-0002
21 Feb, 20 - February 21st, 20--
Mr Ken Davis Mr. Ken Davis
Hanson Montessori School Hanson's Montessori School
15 Main St 15 Main St.
Kamloops, BC Kamloops, BC
V2A 7B5 V2A 7B5
Kami ref: # 223 Our ref: #223
Dear Mr Davis: Dear Mr. Davis:
Posisi Faktur Outstanding Invoice
Catatan kami menunjukkan bahwa Anda memiliki saldo dating kembali ke Januari, 200 -. Our records show that you have an outstanding balance dating back to January, 200-. Anda faktur Januari adalah untuk $ 445,00 dan kami belum menerima pembayaran ini. Your January invoice was for $445.00 and we have yet to receive this payment. Silahkan mencari salinan faktur tertutup. Please find a copy of the invoice enclosed.
Jika jumlah ini telah dibayar, silakan abaikan pemberitahuan ini. If this amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice. Jika tidak, silahkan ke depan kami jumlah utang secara penuh 1 Maret, 20 --. Otherwise, please forward us the amount owed in full by March 1st, 20--. Sebagai kontrak kami menunjukkan, kita mulai mengisi bunga 5% untuk saldo setelah 30 hari. As our contract indicates, we begin charging 5% interest for any outstanding balances after 30 days.
Terima kasih sebelumnya atas kerja sama Anda. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Kami berharap dapat terus melakukan bisnis dengan Anda di masa depan. We hope to continue doing business with you in the future.
Hormat kami, Sincerely,
Maria McPhee Maria McPhee
Maria McPhee Maria McPhee
Akuntan Accountant
Lampiran: Faktur # 223 Enclosure: Invoice #223

Price Change Notice
Symphony of Sound Symphony of Sound
12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37014 12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37014
Tel: (615) 395-8765 Tel: (615) 395-8765
21 Nov, 20 - November 21st, 20--
Alicia Hathoway Alicia Hathoway
14 Sparks Rd 14 Sparks Rd
Arrington, Tennessee, 37014 Arrington, Tennessee, 37014
Dear Ms Hathoway: Dear Ms. Hathoway:
Perubahan Harga akan datang Forthcoming Price Change
Musim tiket untuk tahun ini simfoni akan dijual bulan depan dan kami ingin Anda untuk menjadi orang yang pertama tahu. Season tickets for this year's symphony are going on sale next month and we wanted you to be among the first to know.
Seperti yang mungkin Anda ketahui, harga sewa telah meroket Tennessee sepanjang tahun ini. As you probably know, rental prices have skyrocketed throughout Tennessee this year. Karena untuk meningkatkan kami di sewa di Forum Arrington, kami menemukan perlu untuk menaikkan harga tiket musim kami dari $ 228 sampai $ 275. Due to our increase in rent at the Arrington Forum, we are finding it necessary to raise the price of our season tickets from $228 to $275. tiket melihat tunggal juga akan dikenakan kenaikan harga. Single viewing tickets will also be subject to a price increase.
Kami berharap Anda akan mempertimbangkan untuk membeli tiket musim untuk tahun depan, meskipun perubahan ini. We hope that you will consider purchasing season tickets for next year despite this change. Symphony Arrington telah bersama selama 23 tahun, dan bergantung pada musim-pemegang tiket untuk mengisi 25% dari tempat duduk di setiap peristiwa. The Arrington Symphony has been together for 23 years, and relies on season-ticket holders to fill 25% of the seating at each event. Tanpa dukungan Anda Symphony Arrington bisa dipaksa pensiun sebelum ulang tahun ke 25. Without your support the Arrington Symphony could be forced into retirement before its 25th anniversary.
Untuk membeli tiket untuk 20 - musim, silahkan kunjungi website kami di, atau hubungi perwakilan agen tiket di (615) 395-8750. To purchase tickets for the 20-- season, please visit our website at, or call the ticket agent representative at (615) 395-8750.
Kami berharap untuk memiliki Anda dalam penonton kita lagi tahun depan. We look forward to having you in our audience again next year.
Hormat kami, Yours truly,
Colin Fairchild Colin Fairchild
Colin Fairchild Colin Fairchild
Direktur Promosi Promotional Director

Sampson's Stationary
30 Silverstone Silverstone Ave 30th Ave

Kamloops, BC Kamloops, BC
V2A 8B1 V2A 8B1
Tel: 250s-429-0002 Tel: 250s-429-0002

February 21, 20 - February 21st, 20 –

Mr. Mr. Ken Davis.
Ken Davis
Hanson's Hanson Montessori School Montessori School
15 Main St 15 Main St.
Kamloops, BC Kamloops, BC
V2A 7B5 V2A 7B5

Our ref: # 223 Our ref: # 223

Dear Mr. Davis: Dear Mr. Davis:

Outstanding Outstanding Invoice Invoice

Our records indicate that you have a balance dating back to January, 200 -. Our records show That you have an outstanding balance dating back to January, 200 -. January is your invoice for $ 445.00 and we have not received this payment. Your January invoice was for $ 445.00 and We have yet to receive this payment. Please find enclosed a copy of the invoice. Please find a copy of the invoice enclosed.

If this amount has been paid, please disregard this notice. If this amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice.
If not, please forward us the full amount of debt March 1, 20 --. Otherwise, please forward us the amount owed in full by March 1st, 20 --. As our contract shows, we began to fill the 5% interest for balance after 30 days. As our contract indicates, We begin charging 5% interest for any outstanding balances after 30 days.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We hope to continue doing business with you in the future. We hope to continue doing business with you in the future.

Sincerely, Sincerely,
Mary Mary McPhee McPhee

Mary Mary McPhee McPhee
Accountant Accountant
Attachment: Invoice # 223 Enclosure: Invoice # 223

Price Change Notice
Symphony of Sound Symphony of Sound
12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37 014 12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37014
Tel: (615) 395-8765 Tel: (615) 395-8765

November 21, 20 - November 21st, 20 –

Alicia Alicia Hathoway Hathoway
14 Sparks Rd Sparks Rd 14
Arrington, Tennessee, 37014 Arrington, Tennessee, 37014

Dear Ms. Hathoway: Dear Ms. Hathoway:

Price Change Price Change will come Forthcoming

Season tickets for this year the symphony will go on sale next month and we want you to be among the first to know. Season tickets for this year's symphony are going on sale next month and We wanted you to be Among the first to know.

As you may know, Tennessee rental prices have skyrocketed this year. As you probably know, rental prices have skyrocketed Throughout Tennessee this year. Due to our increase in rent at the Forum Arrington, we found the need to increase our season ticket prices from $ 228 to $ 275. Due to our increase is in rent at the Arrington Forum, We Are finding it Necessary to raise the price of our season tickets from $ 228 to $ 275. view tickets also will be charged a single price increase. Single tickets will from viewing Also be subject to a price increase is.

We hope you'll consider purchasing season tickets for next year, although this change. We Hope that you will from Consider purchasing season tickets for next year despite this change. Symphony Arrington has been together for 23 years, and depending on the season ticket-holders to fill 25% of seats at each event. The Arrington Symphony has been together for 23 years, and relies on season-ticket holders to fill 25% of the seating at EACH event. Without your support Symphony Arrington can be forced to retire before the 25th anniversary. Without your support the Arrington Symphony Could Be Forced into retirement before its 25th anniversary.

To purchase tickets for 20 - season, please visit our website at, or contact your representative ticket agent at (615) 395-8750. To purchase tickets for the 20 - season, please visit our website at, call the ticket agent or representative at (615) 395-8750.
We hope to have you in our audience again next year. We look forward to having you in our audience again next year.

Sincerely, Yours truly,
Colin Colin Fairchild Fairchild

Colin Colin Fairchild Fairchild
Promotional Campaign Director Director

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